Indoor varieties:
Greenhouse perennial, sow June-August for Winter flowering, cover with very thin layer of vermiculite, do not exclude light. germinates 3-4 weeks at 15-18°C, ideally in germination chamber. Grow on in 10cm pots, once established grow at 8-10°C to induce flowering. When budded, force for 3 weeks at around 14°C. Keep plants moist. Sowing to flowering 20-24 weeks.
Sell in: 10cm or larger pots.
End Use: Winter Houseplant.
Greenhouse Perennial, sow May-September for flowering December-April. Sow on compost surface, cover very lightly with vermiculite, 1 week at 22-24°C then 18-20°C. Shade during Summer. Pot into 10-12cm pots, grow on at 10-14°C to encourage compact habit and good flowering. Keep plants moist.
Hardy varieties:
Sell in: 8cm or larger pots.
End Use: Borders, rockeries.
Perennial. Sow May-July on compost surface, germinates in 2-3 weeks at 18-22°C. Sell in 8-10cm pots in flower in Spring. 20,000 seeds per gram (3,000 seeds for 1,000 plants).
Auricula (pubescens):
Perennial, sow February-May on compost surface, germinates 3-4 weeks at 16-18°C 3,000 seeds per gram (1g for 1,000 plants). Grow cool through the Winter, do not overwater.
Perennial. Sow on compost surface in cold frame February-April, 4,500 seeds per gram. Cooling is recommended after 2-3 weeks, for 4-6 weeks. Sell in 10-12cm pots in flower in Spring. 4,500 seeds per gram.
Perennial. Sow May-July on compost surface, germinates in 3-4 weeks at 15-18°C. Sell in 8-10cm pots in flower in Spring. 10,000 seeds per gram.
Perennial - sow February for flowering in Summer of the same year, or sow May-July for flowering early the following Summer. Germinates 2-3 weeks at 16-18°C, sell in 8-10cm pots in flower.
Candelabra Mixed, Bulleyana, Beesiana:
Perennial: sow February-July on compost surface, keep moist.
Vialii (Orchid Primrose):
Perennial. Sow May-July on compost surface, do not exclude light, keep moist, germinates in 3-4 weeks at 18-22°C. Sell in 8-10cm pots in flower in Spring. 12,000 seeds per gram (2,500 seeds for 1,000 plants).