Strongly marbled foliage and scented flowers make this mini cyclamen perfect for table decoration or autumn containers. Produces a high count flowers per plant. 15cm. Sell in: 8-9cm pots. End Use: Indoor Summer pot plant, bedding.
Greenhouse Perennial: Sow February-April, for flowering October onwards. 3-6 weeks at 15°C. Cyclamen require absolute darkness for successful germination and a constant temperature. Temperatures higher than 15°C may well cause germination failure. 200 seeds per gram. Large-framed F1 Sell in: 12cm pots. End Use: Indoor houseplant. Mini F1 Sell in: 9cm pots, 4-packs. End Use: Indoor houseplant, and Winter containers.
Hardy Outdoor Types: Perennial, 1-6 months at 9°C; germination can be slow and erratic. Can be sown at any time of the year, however for optimum germination the temperature should not exceed 9°C. Sell in: 8-9cm pots, in flower. End Use: Borders, under trees etc.
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Moles Seeds (UK) Ltd, Turkey Cock Lane, Stanway, Colchester, Essex, CO3 8PD, United Kingdom. Company Reg No: 6301851