Annual cut flower types
1. Sowing under glass and transplanting outdoors: Sow Feb-April into seed trays, blocks or module cell trays at 15-18°C, cover seed (400 seeds/g). Germinates in 7-10 days. Transplant into borders mid May onwards at 25x25cm. Crop will be slightly earlier in unheated tunnel, otherwise around 100 days sowing to flowering. Support to prevent collapse.
2. Direct sowing into open ground: Sow thinly into rows 25cm apart in April. Thin to required spacing. The disadvantage of this method over transplanting is that weed control is less easy.
3. Whole production under glass: This method will provide a late extension to the crop, i.e. into October. Sowing is carried out in June, and the young plants are planted out into suitable prepared soil in glasshouses and beds. Aster Wilt (Fusarium oxysporum callistephi) is the greatest threat to aster production (plants wilt just before flowering); avoid it by rotating the crop (one crop per 7 years) to prevent build-up.
Annual bedding types
Sow February-April, cover seed with vermiculite, germinates in 7-10 days at 18-20°C, prick out into multicell trays after 4-5 weeks. Grow on at 12-15°C. To encourage a compact habit, growth regulators can be used, according to the manufacturers’ recommendations. Sowing to flowering 14 weeks. 450 seeds per gram (sow 5g for 1000 plants). Drench compost with a suitable fungicide to prevent wilt disease.
Alpinus (Perennial):
Sow April-June, germinates in around 2-4 weeks at 15-20°C, cover seed with vermiculite. 700 seeds per gram, 5g for 1,000 plants.
Excellent product and service, would highly recommend
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