Karoo Queen produces beautifully fluffy, pink to deep red plumes in late summer into early autumn. It is suitable for borders and can provide them with texture, colour and contrast. Looks great in a container. It is first-year flowering and hardy. 60-80 cm
Annual varieties:
Sow directly into open ground in April-May.
End Use: Cut flower (generally dried). Borders and landscaping.
Isolepis: Container and pot plant, so sow the multipelleted seed direct into cell trays, cover lightly, keep moist throughout production. Move on into 10-12cm pots after approx 5 weeks, ready for sale in a further 6 or so weeks. Prefers a shaded, damp position.
Perennial varieties:
Germination takes 2-3 weeks at 20-25°C. For seeds per gram see species descriptions. Sell in: 10cm - 2 litre pots depending on variety.
End Use: Borders and landscaping. Taller flowering stems can also be dried for arrangements.