A mid-season sugar enhanced (se) variety that produces good sized, yellow and white bicoloured cobs. A solid performer with good disease resistance.
This is a versatile, popular crop for fresh market sales, P.Y.O., prepack and processing. Works very well as a roadside sales item. Sweetcorn is also suitable for use as young plant sales for the home gardener. Germinates at between 18 and 30°C. Sow April to June, spacing 20-30cm x 75-95cm, drilling rate 45,000-65,000 per hectare (18,000-26,000 per acre). Harvest August to October.
There are five main classifications for sweetcorn varieties: 1) Normal sugar type (su): standard sweetcorn performance and flavour. 2) Sugar enhanced (se): sweeter, more tender kernel than standard types, also has longer shelf-life. 3) Super sweet (sh2): higher levels of complex sugars with a slower conversion to starch, resulting in a sweeter flavour and long shelf-life. 4) Extra tender (sh2): recent developments in breeding have produced grains with a tender pericarp combined with a very sweet taste. 5) SuperSeedWare (sh2): a naturally developed gene that dramatically improves the performance of the seed, especially with earlier sowings into wetter or colder soil. Other benefits include stronger, more uniform growth and enhanced flavour.
Note: sh2 varieties should be grown separately from other types to avoid cross pollination which can cause a reduction in quality and flavour. None of our sweetcorn varieties are genetically modified.
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Moles Seeds (UK) Ltd, Turkey Cock Lane, Stanway, Colchester, Essex, CO3 8PD, United Kingdom. Company Reg No: 6301851